Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Explanatory Synthesis Notes

For the upcoming essay I will be composing a piece about how to spot bias in the media. The reason I find this topic so engaging now is because of the up coming elections. I know many people who base their opinions on things they read, because they think they are researching. What they do not know is everything they are reading is filled with bias. In every article on social media, the topics and ideas are meant to get your attention, and possibly sway you to vote for that authors favorite candidate. One of the easiest ways now-a-days to get your opinion across is making a meme and trying to make it go viral. For those who do not know what a meme is, it is the same thing as a political cartoon, but it is not always about politics. Below I have placed a meme/political cartoon I plan on analyzing in my essay.
As you can see this cartoon is a part of an anti-Trump campaign. For those who not recognize what this picture is from, it is from the TV series Game of Thrones. If i were to add my bias in, I would say it's one of the greatest shows on television. In Game of Thrones, there is a giant ice wall that separates the humans from the white walkers (frozen zombies). It is sort of like Elsa meets The Walking Dead. The idea that this cartoon is making fun of is that Donald Trump wants Mexico to pay to build a wall between there and the U.S. This is how he plans on taking care of the illegal immigrant problem. The picture is comparing that absurdity to the greatest TV show of all time. Obviously the creator of the cartoon is not a supporter of this idea. I plan on using this is my paper by put this in the section where I describe where political bias can be found. I could easily say everywhere, but for meet the requirements of the word count I will be generous with my words. I plan on showing this picture while also referring to internet memes that "break the internet" or go viral. This has become an issue, because when I look at this picture I look at it with humor and an apolitical view. If i were to share this my 200 and something friends would see it and if they shared it their friends would see it too. Some people would see this as Trump bashing and not like him, because they see that others don't. This is similar to the Bernie Sanders versus Hillary Clinton meme which make Bernie favorable to the young generation while making Hillary look like a square. There are numerous views that are floating around on the internet, and I hope to show that these are opinons not facts, even if Trumps hair actually looks like that.

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