Monday, February 15, 2016

The idea of love

My friend recently asked me if love was a choice or a feeling. She got this question from a social experiment where students were asked the same question. They all claimed that it was a feeling. Their teacher then had them talk to people married and once married, and this changed their opinions. Each person said that in all relationships the feeling of love disappears,  and wither it works out or not is up to you. Those who ended up staying married said that what made their relationship last is the fact that they chose to keep looking for things to love even when the initial feeling escaped them. The students final response is that love is a choice. After my friend read me this article I began thinking about what I believed love was. I was waiting for a job interview and their was a giant bulletin board that said love is ____. People had to fill out their anwser in a heart and post it to the board. This is where I made me decision. Love is a philosophy. It is a choice and a feeling. Love is something to accomplish over a life time. You ultimately achieve love once you can truly open your heart to someone. It can be many people, but it must be achieved through maturity and time.

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